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We're kinda famous!!

Beautiful OOPS! By Barney Saltzberg

I LOOOOVE books! I love reading them, looking at them, and even enjoy the smell of them! I have quite a collection as an art teacher; stories about famous artists, legends from various cultures and even stories about little glue and paint mess makers to teach us a lesson!

One of my favorite books is, "Beautiful OOPS" by Barney Saltzberg. The story teaches us that every tear, hole or stain can be something beautiful. At any age, but especially in elementary, it can be hard to have your brain tell your hand exactly what to do when marking on a paper. Even after years of making art, things do not always turn out how I see them in my imagination. "Beautiful OOPS" encourages us to take little imperfections and make them something beautiful!

So here's where the "kinda famous" takes place. Outside my room there is a spot where the kiddos pick away some chipping paint. It's grown over the years to about the size of big ole honking dinner ham. Lately walking by it all I could see was the outline of Duke the dog from "Secret Life of Pets". (Countour Line- cough cough- hello 2nd grade EL) I decided to send Mr. Saltzberg a photo of this spot, after all it was through his shared creativity I felt inspired enough to see these things.

I didn't think much of sending the email. Maybe he would see it and smile and hit delete. Maybe he would put it on the back burner and reply later on? Imagine my surprise when not even an hour later I got a response from this well known and admired author/illustrator!! Mr. Saltzberg created two separate images for us here at WES of what this spot COULD be! He sent them/tagged our school Instagram account. Be sure to check it out @Smiths_smartists

I have re-shared this story and the images he sent (see below) with the kiddos all week. A fourth grader decided we should put some contact paper over the spot to preserve it and do his doodle on without ruining the wall. Stay tuned as we bring this brilliant idea to fruition!

We are floored Mr. Saltzberg took the time to recognize us and want to send a big "THANK YOU" for showing us all the the ways OOPS' can be beautiful! Thank you Mr.Saltzberg from the bottom of our paint splattered hearts!

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